Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Clearing Skies and Drying Eyes

Here's a song from 1971 written in all sincerity by Bruce Johnson, who was simply weary of the "New Normal" of the late sixties. You know, the endless violent protests for peace, the militant and violent and  unreasonably demanding mobs, the destruction of patriotic symbols and institutions. You know . . . the New Normal of 1970.

I dutifully follow all the demands of the current New Fascists, who are oh so attentive to my "needs". "You NEED to put on your face mask"  "You NEED to use the drive-in bank, because the lobby is only open by appointment"  "Wear a mask"  "Don't wear a mask"  "You need to wait outside" "Religious meetings are cancelled" "All fun is cancelled" "We're all in this together, but we hate you for your wrong opinions".

So, with Bruce Johnson, and with anyone else who has had enough:  Let's escape for a few momentse to a world much more simple, a world of joy and love.  I'm sure that the millennials will still be here, to see to our "Needs" when we get back.

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