Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts - Corn Shocks and Thanksgiving Hymns

I grew up in Watertown, Wisconsin. It was a healthy and growing community. When I was a kid, the north end of town, where I lived, was still emerging from farming to residential. I remember up on Spaulding Street, there was an entire city block owned by Walter Griep, and there he grew corn. He had a farm further out, but that was by God his corn field and he was going to by God grow his corn there. Each fall, he would stack up his corn stalks into shocks, arranged in rows. Over the years, this became an increasingly precious link to our heritage and our community's past. I have my mother to thank for pointing out the wonder in things around us - she always pointed out those corn shocks as we drove past. Sometime in the early '70s, Walter died, and the corn shocks were no more. I always think of those corn shocks this time of year.

Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. We got off of school, we celebrated the day with family and friends - eating to oblivion and then going out visiting one another. And the Thanksgiving hymns - I loved singing those - "Come Ye Thankful People" "We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing", "Now Thank We All Our God", and so many others.

The teachers always encouraged us to sing loudly, even when we sat with our parents in church.

Thanks for listening and contributing. For up-to-the-minute thoughts, come on over to I'm @dimbulb52


Leslie Hanna said...

You know what? I love you! I commented the other day about Halloween morphing into Christmas, and what about Thanksgiving? I want to sing Thanksgiving songs before Christmas songs. They LAUGHED at me, saying there ARE no Thanksgiving songs. HA! I was RIGHT! Pttthhtt!

And the story about the corn shocks is so sweet. Sad, too. Thanks for sharing with us.

Lydia Fiedler said...

This is beautiful. It moved me. Thanksgiving still is my favorite holiday.

Thankful for you! :)