I offer the above photograph as proof positive that actual angels walk the earth. Real angelic beings -- quietly going about their angelic business, doing good with an occasional mischievous twinkle in their eye.
The question hung in the air. If the Mrs. didn't get the answer she wanted, there was going to be scolding...
"... I distinctly remember putting that loaf of rye bread in the cart, Luv. Beefsteak rye, the kind you like, with those obnoxious caraway seeds in it.... well, maybe I'm thinking of last week..."
"I unpacked the groceries myself, and there was no bread in there. And you forgot the garlic powder too. You're such a schleppoch sometimes..."
"Recall, dear, I had to do the shopping very very early in the morning, because this is the Saturday I had to go in to work. "
"Well, you always have enough time to chat up the grocery store ladies... Was
Jan there? With all the other old farts lined up in her lane to wish her good morning??? And who's that other one, the one who packs the bags -- Sherri?"
"I'll look in the car, maybe it fell out of the bag." ... That week I had to go to the bakery for some rye bread.
Another Saturday, another grocery run. When I checked out, Jan accosted me: "Did you eat a lot of bananas this week?" Such a strange question, I was momentarily speechless while she reached into the bottom of her register drawer, and brought out a small white register tape with a short grocery list on it:
- Beef Steak Rye
- El Rey Garlic Powder
- 8 oz Whole Mushrooms
- 5 Bananas
I had left an entire bag of groceries sitting on the counter the previous week!
And Jan and Sherri had taken the time to write down everything in the bag on a register tape, so I could retrieve it the next time I came in. So, I took Jan's list, and went on a mini-shopping trip to retrieve the forgotten items. It was very moving that anybody would take the time to do such a kindness for me.
Of course, now every time either one of them sees me at the grocery store, they're sure to remind me "Be sure you don't leave your groceries lying around after you pay for them, Gary!" Never will I live that one down. But I love them both. Really. Angels walk the earth. Look carefully, and you may meet one today.
Thanks for listening and contributing. For up-to-the-minute thoughts, come on over to twitter.com I'm @dimbulb52