Saturday, April 11, 2020

I'll be All in Clover

Quite a busy day, ending with a broken water pipe in one of our rental properties.  There's always music.  There's always music. . . .

This morning/afternoon, I was working with the old King of Glory gang.  We haven't had church lately, but today we got together, in a sanitary sort of way, to produce an Easter church service for online distribution.  I'm posting it at the end of this page, always hoping to get the good news out there.  Everybody at church was fine, and it was good to see them again, and work together.

Quite another view of Easter is the one portrayed in the 1948 movie Easter Parade.  You may not have seen the movie, but without fail, have you noticed, people always sing "On the Avenue . . . ." at the oddest times. 

So, here is a rabbit's eye view of Irving Berlin's Easter Parade.

And, here's that church service (that organist really got it goin on, aina?)

Happy Easter!

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